
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Candis - Long Beach

Sqq: M steps L (W R), then slides R foot to brush L foot before rocking back diagonally on 'qq' (W mirrors with L foot).
Sqq: M steps R (W L), then slides L foot to brush R foot before rocking forward diagonally on 'qq' (W mirrors with R foot).
Sqq Sqq: Repeat, but on last 'qq' M & W do inner hip-lifts.

Under-Arm Turn
Sqq Sqq: 'Basic' step to start.
Sqq: M does first half of 'Basic' step, but raises W's R hand to lead W's R turn.
Sqq: M steps R (W L), then slides L foot to touch R foot before doing hip-lift (W mirrors with R foot).

Sqq: M steps L (W R), then slides R foot to brush L foot before rocking back diagonally on 'qq' (W mirrors with L foot).
Sqq: M steps and turns 1/4 R (W L), steps forward with W in L open position and pivots outward (R) 1/2 on L foot on 'qq' (W mirrors with R foot).
Sqq: M steps fwd on S on L foot with W in R open position and pivots 1/2 outward (L) on R foot on 'qq' (W mirrors with R foot).
Sqq: M steps R (W L), then slides L foot to touch R foot before doing hip-lift (W mirrors with R foot).

In & Out
Sqq: M steps L (W R), then slides R foot to brush L foot before rocking back diagonally on 'qq' (W mirrors with L foot).
Sqq: M steps R (W L), then slides L foot to brush R foot before both rock back with M's L hand holding W's R hand, extended.
Sqq: (1) M steps fwd and rocks fwd (Lrr). W steps fwd making 1/2 under-arm L turn as M catches her on waist on 1st 'q' then pushes her to start 1/2 under-arm R turn to unwind.
Sqq: Both rock back (again) with M's L hand holding W's R hand, extended.
Sqq: (1) M steps fwd and rocks fwd (Lrr). W steps fwd making 1/2 under-arm L turn as M catches her on waist on 1st 'q' then pushes her to start 1/2 under-arm R turn to unwind.
Sqq: M does first half of 'Basic' step, but raises W's R hand to lead W's R under-arm turn.
Sqq: M steps R (W L), then slides L foot to touch R foot before doing hip-lift (W mirrors with R foot).

Sqq: M steps L (W R), then slides R foot to brush L foot before rocking back diagonally on 'qq' (W mirrors with L foot).
Sqq: M steps and turns 1/4 R (W L), steps forward with W in L open position and pivots inward (R) 1/2 on L foot on 'qq' (W mirrors with R foot) catching both of W's hands in F2F position.
Sqq: Holding hands as 'wall,' M steps and turns a little L on 'S' (W steps R). Both step-swivel in place on 'qq.'
Sqq: Turning R into L open position, M steps fwd on 'S' on R foot with W in L open position and pivots 1/2 inward (L) on 'qq' (W mirrors).
Sqq: M does first half of 'Basic' step, but raises W's R hand to lead W's R under-arm turn.
Sqq: M steps R (W L), then slides L foot to touch R foot before doing hip-lift (W mirrors with R foot).

Shoulder Turn
Sqq: (1) Basic.
Sqq: (2) On qq, M steps back and takes shake-hands position with W.
Sqq: (3) On S, both open to M's L. On qq, W turns full R into open position on M's R hip, with R hands still held in front of W's waist.
Sqq: (4) Both step and rock-back.
Sqq: (5) Both step forward and turn 1/2 to reverse open positions with M's L hand on W's L shoulder.
Sqq: (6) Step and rock forward.
Sqq: (7) Both step back into 1 1/4 inward free turn into closed position
Sqq: (8) M steps R (W L) and both do a hip-lift.

Sqq: (1) Basic.
Sqq: (2) On qq, M steps back and takes shake-hands position with W.
Sqq: (3) M "fakes" his L foot step as W steps fwd and turns 1/2 L into R promenade. On qq, both rock back, ending with forward (R) feet weighted.
Sqq: (4) Without moving feet, both shift weight F, B, F, sinuously, ending with rear (L) feet weighted.
Sqq: (5) On S, M "fakes" his R step as W steps fwd with R foot into develope. On qq, W turns full L into closed position.
Sqq: (6) M steps R (W L) and both do a hip-lift.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Lou Schreiber – Palos Verdes

Count… Quick Quick Count…
Emphasize long, soaring steps to side rather than F and B
Hip lift or body roll or side and rock-back on 8
Drift to L on Q steps, not side steps
On 2nd &/or 4th and 6th counts, M goes back as W does Basic
Sliding Doors
M turns L 1/8th of a turn on first QQ, sending W to M’s L
W does half turn to her L
M & L start crossing back and forth, facing in same direction with M behind
W goes R and M goes L on 3, stepping back on QQ
Repeat in opposite directions, with M “catching” W’s outstretched arm at wrist on 4, 5, 6
End with any turn on 7, 8
Break away on 2
W steps forward to M’s R
Both runaround to R on 3, 4, 5
Break away on 6
End on any turn 7, 8
Variation: break away on 4, also
Crossover & Shadow
Cross over on 2
W does walk-around to her R as M does mambo basic (f ip B, b ip F) on 3
Both go to M’s R holding R hands, matching hand and arm styling of person in front on 4
Then to L on 5
Then to R on 6
W does underarm walk-around on 7
End on 8
Double Peel-Off
Break away on 2
Both peel off on 3
M reaches out with free hand on 4
Repeat peel-off on 5
M reaches out on 6
W peels off on 7End on 8